Seized Drug Analysis Examination
PLEASE NOTE: We anticipate using electronic testing for this field test. We are still finalizing the development of this platform. At this time, we will NOT be allowing the use of MacOS devices. For more information on electronic testing and the system requirements, please visit our Electronic Testing Guidelines page. If we determine that this testing platform will not be suitable for the field testing, the examination will be offered using paper booklets.
To qualify for the field test, candidates should be authorized to perform the full extent of testing as defined in the job description. Candidates who perform limited functions in the discipline, e.g., marijuana analysis only, should not take the field test.
The Seized Drug Analysis certification examination is designed for individuals who are actively working in a forensic science laboratory performing Seized Drug Analysis work. This work may include, but is not limited to, qualitative analysis, interpretation, and/or review of seized drugs in botanical material, powders, pills, liquids, and/or residues. This examination will expect that analysts are utilizing both instrumental and physical techniques.
Qualifications for initial certification and recertification are found in the Certification Scheme.
Duties and associated tasks used to develop the certification examination are located in the Job Description. The examination outline, suggested references, and example questions are contained in the Study Guide. For more information on the duties, tasks, skills, etc. that were considered in developing the examination, review the Examination Blueprint and DACUM Research Chart. |